Friday, 17 March 2017

Wild Flowers in the Desert

Yes, it's the desert so it's supposed to be dry, however, over the last few years this area has been in a serious drought. To the great relief of many, this "winter" finally saw some substantial rain with almost 4 inches falling from late December to mid February. Water tables have been significantly replenished, and the desert is showing its appreciate through a dramatic blooming of flowers. I recently read an article that this is the most abundant and showy blooming in the desert for 30 years.

One of our favourite bikes rides is to and through Box Canyon. The ride entails 30 kilometers of continual uphill as one reaches and passes through the canyon. The canyon floor and walls are typically desert sand beige in colour. I was curious to see how the flowers would change the decoration. As Sandy was down with an episode of vertigo on Wednesday, I hopped in the van and headed to the canyon. I was pleasantly surprised by what I found. The north facing slopes were olive green rather than beige and little desert plants were blooming everywhere. It's tempting to make a comparison to the relatively lush carpets of blossoms in the mountain meadows and forestry areas at home, but when one contemplates the harsh environment in which these desert plants forge their living, it is hard not to be really impressed that there any, never mind many, showing their stuff.

I was taken aback by how tiny many of the plants, and their blossoms are, the amazing variety of plants, and how they were growing in sand, fine gravel, and in clusters where they seemed to find shelter or support from one another. The tiny blossoms seem to produce massive amounts of pollen that they must somehow throw onto passersby. I was careful not to walk through patches of plants or step on any of the hardy organisms, but I noticed that somehow my shoes were covered in pollen. I think I know how a bee feels!

Here are a few photos from the Box Canyon "flower show." Don't even think of asking me to identify any of them!!

Even this south facing wall has some plants growing
Carpet of flowers on the canyon floor

Lots of different plants on this slope

Adding some colour to the desert beige

Lots of variety

Finding some moisture under a small rock and twig

Can you see the tiny blossom over the petals at about 3 o'clock? It's yellow.

Pollen on my shoes and ankle  


  1. Wonderful photos - I really enjoy your blog - almost like being there. Thank you.

  2. Impressive! Thanks Kate😊 Hope Sandy is feeling much better! 30k uphill!? This must have felt harsch on the legs! Great job 👍👍
